1. the state of being deprived of or of being without something that one has had: the loss of old friends.
2. death, or the fact of being dead: to mourn the loss of a grandparent.
3. the accidental or inadvertent losing of something dropped, misplaced, stolen, etc.: to discover the loss of a document.
Last week was the discovery of loss. I watched as some families discovered loss. These 2 words seem like they shouldn't go together. When I want to discover something I want it to be a good thing. Who wants to discover loss. Not to make it trivial but I used to have dreams of finding stuff. The loss of something affected me so much that I would dream about how to find it. I even would have dreams of the specific place in my house that I would find it. I hated losing things.
As an adult that has not changed. It is frustrating to lose things in my life. It is even worse when it is a person who we love and care about. Watching some of the kids in the past week has reminded of the loss of my dad and grandpas. There is such a pain with knowing you will not see them in this life again. I truly felt for those this week as I watched as they continue to work through the loss. It is a tough process but as a Christian it is at least easier. We are able to know that we will see that person again in Heaven. We can take the joy of the hope we have in Jesus. It never makes the loss easy. There are times we dream about our loss and it is in our sub conscience even when we are focused on other things.
The truth it is not just death or losing physical things but also even just friendships. Loss affects our life all the time. At one minute we have someone in our life and then they are gone. I am not sure I will ever have a good grasp on loss and the emotions and feelings that go with it. I do know one thing that one day I will never feel that loss again. I cannot imagine how God feels when he loses one of us since I can see on earth how loss affects us.
This blog has no answers except one turn to Jesus. We will always have Jesus in our lives and He will always be there for us. He understands loss and is there to comfort us in that loss. May He continue to guide each of our lives and be the one we turn to has we have empty feelings in our lives from the things or people we lose. My prayers go to those who recently lost loves ones I know you will find the hope you need in Jesus.