the next few days I will preach on an amazing silent night and God’s Word being
in the flesh. Some years are better than others. Some years we get excited for
Christmas, and some years we just need
Christmas. Ok, we always need Christmas, but some years we feel the pain of sin
in our world so badly that we keep wondering when and how will Jesus fix our
me start by saying we are not alone. Sometimes we think this year is worse than
the past. The honest truth is, ever since the Garden of Eden sin has been rampant
and God has been dealing with it. Yet, we live in the present, and in the
present, these challenges are real. We need Christmas!
Louis needs Christmas this year. We
need to go back to the things we are good at, like celebrating Cardinal
victories and being the “Gateway to the West,” not the apocalypse of pain. We
don’t want to be known as the city that started this massacre and then watched
it run wild. Every news story reminds me of the night I sat there and watched
it unfold on TV.
I need Christmas this year. I watch as my
son gets older and he develops my characteristics, some good but also some bad.
I spend nights praying that God would help me to see the ways I am impacting
his life. As a parent, you want to take all of your sin and throw it out the
window and not allow it to affect your kids.
read an article recently regarding some of the areas that Christians mess up. The
author stated that one such area is believing that faith is most important. He
was making some ridiculous argument that Christians focus too much on faith and
not enough on actions. It brought in James being the brother of Jesus and how James
believed in works. I wish I could help people understand there are no works
without faith! When you try saying that we should follow Jesus’ example, you
are missing the point. That is why Jesus
came, because we couldn’t do it – we couldn’t follow His example. Trust me, I
am not letting anyone off the hook, but sin is constantly wrecking the lives of
people, and we need Jesus to forgive us, redeem us, and sanctify us.
is just it – we need His
sanctification. On the years when I need
Christmas, I spend hours in my head praying for Jesus to teach me how to live.
When someone comes to me broken, I spend hours praying for Jesus to help me see
what they need. The cool thing is, hang out with Jesus long enough and it will
happen. You will look back at your life and say, “Remember when I acted like
that? Thank you, Jesus, that you brought Christmas again, because I needed you.”
was not a fan of history in high school, but I love relational history. When
people come to me challenged by the world and all that is in it, I like to take
them back to where they started. We live and breathe the story of scripture – sinning,
hearing restoration, then sinning again, and needing restoration again. History
reminds us of where we have come and what God is doing in our lives to restore
us. I love when the prophet Isaiah says, “out of the shoot of Jesse....” The
people of Isaiah’s time couldn’t remember the good times with King David
because they were so broken. Isaiah had
to remind them that God brought restoration through a peasant’s son. Years like
this we can look at the world and get a little frustrated. It’s then that we need to remember that God
brings His Son to restore us. We need
Jesus this year. Wait, I think we need
Him every year.