Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spit Up

I think life is full of moments of spit up. Tonight I was watching Jake and he just spits up. I think to myself what causes that? Why in the world would he spit up just randomly? I mean there he is just chillin on the floor and all of the sudden spit up. That made me think about something...

How often do we just spit up? Actually even more than that how many times do we have the urge to spit up? How many times do we just say something nasty? There we are talking and all of the sudden something we don't like comes out. We might even be fighting the urge of saying something not so good. 

The reality of the Christian life is we all spit up way to often. We say things we don't mean and yes as much as we fight it, it still happens. That is our sinful side showing through. The challenge is to continue to quiet the spit up in our lives. As Christians we want to say encouraging things but then that urge comes up to say something bad. I am trying to fight the spit up in my life...I think the less spit up the better. I hate the spit up on Jake it makes all his cute clothes nasty.

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