It is school time, and we see back packs on the corners of
all the streets. Rock Hill Road
was finished just in time for the buses to get through the back roads. It’s the
only time of year you can’t find a pen or pencil on the shelves of your
favorite store. You have to be careful of all those school zone signs or you might
just end up with a ticket. Yes, school is back in session in August. Hard to
believe but it is here!
To some parents it is a relief that they no longer have to receive
calls at work from their children about how bored they are; or have to figure
out what to do today for their daily outing during summer. I remember as a kid asking, “Mom, do we still
go to church in the summer?” Kids are out of rhythm in the summer.
School brings routine and getting back to the rhythm of our
lives. That rhythm is so important and
something we love, but sometimes we crave our routines so much that we don’t stop
to look at what is happening in the world around us.
I was at opening chapel at Christ Community
Lutheran School. It was like being home in a way. I have always
been at churches with large schools, and I remember the opening chapels. They
were always so full of energy! The CCLS
experience was rather surreal because in this congregation was a whole group of
new parents in a church I attended when I was at the seminary, but yet I have done
chapels like this during my whole ministry. I think the school leadership
forgot for a second that I had been a youth pastor for five years, until I had
the 8th graders scream that they ruled CCLS. Don’t worry!
The Executive Director, Mr. Rob Cooksey,
called me out, but I don’t embarrass easily. (too many youth messing with me
through the years.) One of my favorite
tricks was when I was staying with my in-laws after we moved from California. The Youth
Group followed me home one night, and later took pictures of my in-laws’ house.
They held onto those pictures until we sang Big
House one night and slowly the power point presentation revealed all the
pictures from my in-laws’ house, including my car parked outside of it. I laughed
as I recognized my in-laws house, right before I gave the message at that youth
event. Their creative minds are unique and have been the highlight of my life. As I was teaching them at CCLS about being
one in Jesus, I began to wonder what relationships with youth will develop.
I have encouraged the Church to constantly realize the value
of our young people. I want people to see how much they can help the Church right
now before they are even considered adults. I have written articles on how we
must include them right now, and how we can all benefit from their passion and
heart for the Church.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has a very strong desire
to help us see that youth and children are the future of the Church. Through
infant baptism our children begin their journey as God’s dear children, and
members of His family, the Church. This week we will celebrate with long time members
as they watch their grand-daughter being baptized. It is an exciting moment for
our church community to welcome the newest member of the next generation.
Soon Mt.
Calvary’s Center for Early
Childhood Education will open its doors, and we will have tons of families with
their little guys entering our facility. It is a prime time to talk about God’s
very calling to our children. Jesus rebuked the disciples when they did not
acknowledge that the little children were worth His time. This week we will
focus our attention on this exact point. We are all children of light. God has provided
each of us, young and old, with various talents to use in His kingdom.
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