Thursday, January 16, 2014

CCLS Sunday

During my elementary school career, I was the testing mark for my family as far as teachers go.  Naturally I was always the one who had the first experience, since I was the first-born.  At the completion of each school year, my mom would decide whether or not to request that particular teacher for the next child.  Now my mom is a nice lady, but that was an intense amount of scrutiny for a teacher to go through to see if she was an appropriate fit for the next child.  Yes, I said she because I did not have a single male teacher until middle school.  Honestly, it still is amazing to me that I made it through all those grades without having a male teacher.

As a kid I just learned from each teacher, and expected them to be there every day.  I was frustrated on the days they missed.  That just might have been my systematic way of thinking, and when you messed with my system I didn’t like it.  Yes, I am still like that today; maybe it wasn’t only my mom who had expectations!  When you marry a teacher, you get a whole new understanding of her role as you listen to the stories about each kid day in and day out.  It made me aware that even though I had had a lot of exposure with teachers, I never realized that they had a life too.  Teachers are so sacrificial and loving; it is amazing to watch them learn about all the children and care for them.

This weekend we celebrate our association with Christ Community Lutheran School.  We rejoice that these teachers take time to learn from Jesus, and then portray that love to each student.  Christ set that sacrificial example, and the teachers certainly follow His lead as they care for their students.  We also celebrate the installation of Samuel Fishburn, 3rd grade teacher at CCLS.  What an amazing blessing to have a male teacher loving those little people.  I certainly loved my teachers but it would have been a nice change of pace to have a cool male role model in the midst of all of my remarkable female teachers.

Today our lessons naturally lead us to focus on the love of God, but also on the sacrifice He made as the Lamb of God.  John explains that in our lesson because the world at that time was beginning to prepare for the greatest teacher ever.  Jesus set a great example of how to love others.  CCLS teachers, as well as our CECE teachers, have a great way of modeling the love of Jesus.  We celebrate His love, and pray that we also can demonstrate that deep level of sacrifice and love for God’s people.

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