Thursday, April 2, 2015

High Priest

One thing is for sure, when it comes to scripture, we find ourselves asking tough questions like what does this mean to us today? One of my greatest heart cries is to help people understand scripture in context of today. Hebrews is one of those books that can often be confusing due to its deep connection to context and history. Not living in the same context as the people then, and not being very knowledgeable in those areas, we often miss the deeper meanings. Talking about the high priest can fall into that category.  It is a concept that is just foreign to us.

I was at CVS this week and I saw Jamal (a CVS employee) for the 100th time (I end up at CVS often for one reason or another) so I decided to talk to him. Before this day, the closest we had gotten to talking was when there was a seven foot guy in front of me, and Jamal under his breath said to me, “I think I just met a basketball star.” This day, however, I decided to make small talk. I asked him how much he worked and he told me he works both at this store and the Lindbergh store. He told me he was trying to go back to school, but he was working so much. I asked where he lived and he told me that he lived in Ferguson. I was shocked that he drove all the way in to both of these places to work. Then I asked him what it was like to live in Ferguson, and he said he wouldn’t let his daughter come there. He said that some nights his mom comes and stays with him so that she knows he is safe. Jamal also said there are certain areas where it is like Iraq. His lease is over in July and he will be moving out of there. Talking to Jamal gave me a vision of a world I’ve only barely gathered from the television. He exposed me to something I would have little to no knowledge about unless I asked. All it took was me taking interest in getting to know and understand his world.

I find the same thing is true with scripture. So often we don’t look deeper or do our research to figure out what each piece means – to understand their world. When we take a look back at the world of Israel, we can find out what were the key things that were important to them. It was important to have the high priest do the job he was doing – asking for forgiveness on behalf of the people. On the chest plate of the high priest was the name of each tribe, and he wore this when he went into the Holy of Holies. It was their way of bringing each tribe into the sacred chamber where God was. The high priest was someone who was very important and much needed. So, when Jesus became the high priest, He was taking over the lead role of the person they relied upon to represent them and their sin, making an animal sacrifice in order that they could receive forgiveness. This connection, Jesus becoming the new high priest, was not difficult for them to see. For us it is much more challenging without some of the history.

Another reason it is important do to your research is for when people ask you about it. I know I am a pastor, but over the years I get asked more and more questions. I find the more I am asked, the more I research and prepare myself to answer. Each piece of preparation allows me to be ready when those questions pop up. This happened just Saturday night at my brother-in-laws engagement party. Someone wanted to know more about communion, and the difference between the denominations. I responded by helping them see the differences between the Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant religions. Every little bit that we know and understand regarding Biblical/religious history is important for us as we prepare to be Extraordinary Servants in this world. This week we take time to see why Jesus being our high priest is so important.

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