Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Unexpected Ressurection

Abby has been known to come up with a random memory from her short life. She will try to communicate what she remembers to us in her 4-year-old language, and gets frustrated if we don’t remember. It’s challenging for Mindy and I to figure out what she is referring to. Believe it or not, Abby can remember things from a year ago! I know, odd for a 4-year-old, but it is true. She remembers trips we took last summer and friends we saw. Thankfully, most of her memories are current and happened weeks ago, as opposed to months and months ago.

It is fun to see how God gives similar characteristics to your kids that He also gave to us. Our family lines have unique characteristics that God allows to keep going even though He creates us uniquely. There have been several friends shocked at my memory recall. Like Abby, I have images of the life stories I have experienced. Summer certainly is a time of many memories. I remember long hours at the pool, vacations, and enjoying great times in Florida when my grandparents moved there. I will never forget catching crabs in the ocean with my grandpa or building sand castles. I remember seeing him study God’s Word and then seeing how it was displayed in his actions. I never knew at the time what every memory was capturing, but Grandpa was teaching me the art of being a pastor and a family man.

Every story of Jesus displays just how deep the Father’s love is for us. If you were asked what resurrection stories you remember from Scripture, there are two that would probably be at the top of your list. Jesus’ resurrection, which was the completion of what Jesus needed to do to restore our relationship with the Father, and the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus’ good friend and brother of Mary and Martha. Both are stories of love. We probably wouldn’t remember the story in this week’s lesson in Luke 7—a widow in bitter sadness at the death of her only son. Yet, this story is significant for us because it shows the expansive way Jesus provides and cares for His people—another story of love.  Jesus had such compassion on this grieving widow that He gave her son life again.  The people who witnessed it were amazed and said a prophet was among them. If Jesus can bring dead people back to life, what can’t He do? This kind of question combats any human struggle we have; struggles and life situations that we make excuses for and can never seem to get away from. Logging a story like this in our memories helps as we go through even the most significant struggles in life that leave us bitter and sad. Jesus’ compassion for the life of one person is amazing! Likewise, the impact of those around Him recognizing the prophecy is fulfilled in His coming is huge! These are great connections we have to this story, and something powerful to add to our memory.

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