Thursday, March 21, 2013

Entering Holy Week

 Entrances usually mean nothing in this day and age.  The closest thing we have to an entrance, is watching Seinfeld star, Kramer, enter a room.  For the most part we just come and go when we want.  We try not to make a scene when we make an appearance.  I remember when we all wore jeans, and showed up thirty minutes late for my dearly loved uncle’s wedding.  It was one of those embarrassing moments for me.  We were late and under dressed, and while jeans can fly in all sorts of situations now, it was not that way back then.
            I guess entrances for celebrities matter to some people.  Red carpet entrances are spotlighted, with fancy cars and limos dropping off those who want to be seen.  And yes, even our president arrives with much fanfare on Air Force One or    other cool means of transportation.  My favorite entrances are from Batman, with all his cool cars and gear.  This shows the reality I live in; and, well, maybe some of you too.  We would enjoy making a splash with those cool cars.
            Entrances meant more back in biblical times.   Since there were fewer options then, making a unique appearance was more noticeable.   In those days, everyone in the town walked everywhere, so when someone made an entrance on an animal or with a cool chariot, it made a difference.  Kings were known to ride into a city and receive the attention of many.  Usually they were seated on something that proclaimed their power, and they wanted to make sure everyone knew how powerful they were.  But riding on a donkey was different.  It spoke of humility--not something associated with kings.  Yet, Jesus was different-- still following the practice of the culture--riding in as a king, but doing it in a humble way.
            We all have things we look forward to in life, and usually they aren’t sad things.  We experience all kinds of feelings during Holy Week.   We focus on an important night and a powerful sacrament, go into deep sadness over the cost of our sin, and yet come back to celebrating Jesus‘ resurrection.  It may not be a week we always look forward to entering, but it is a powerful week.  It is a week devoted to the very essence and core of our faith.
            One thing we know about entrances is that when we come unprepared, entrances are tough.  This week we prepare to enter Holy Week focused on Jesus and who He is in our lives.  We take time to B1:  a disciple of Christ by Worship 1, Love 1, Read 1 and Pray 1.  We worship, love others, read God’s Word, and pray to Jesus as we enter a week focused on the powerful story of our Savior and how He rescued us!

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