Friday, November 1, 2013

All Saints Day

Over the next 48 hours we will celebrate some pretty key holidays.  It is interesting that Reformation, All Saints Day, the Day of the Dead, and Halloween all fall within this time frame.  That is enough to put our brains on overload so it’s a good thing that we can enjoy an extra hour of sleep.  We believe that Luther and the Reformation brought us back to the true meaning of the saving grace of Jesus.  Its promise helps us see what truly happens in death, and to the saints.  Not to mention that this also keeps us from seriously participating in a holiday that involves people acting like evil spirits; rather we can trust that God has power even over that.
            I actually encourage you to think about death during these moments.  The other day my family and I were at the zoo, hanging with all the cousins and having fun before the big wedding.  We were talking about how retirement has been such a focus for our culture.  People put so much emphasis on what they will do when they retire.  They save, and work hard, promising themselves that they will play when they retire.  Do they ever capture the moment of what Jesus has for them today?  I encourage you to Read 1 - Ecclesiastes 9 and specifically verses 7 to 10.  This was the wedding verse I planned to have for my wedding until it was vetoed by my mother-in-law.  See, even pastors get challenged by mothers-in-law.
            The context of these verses help us to see that while Solomon did think life was meaningless, he took the time to grasp everything God gave Him in it.  My mother-in-law didn’t like this verse because it implies that after we enjoy this life we will go to Sheol; ultimately we will face death and then we will be with Jesus.  But we definitely will face death.  I like to face the facts.  I will die, and when I die will I wonder if my money, my life, and my fun remained dormant while waiting for retirement?  Now I am not talking about reckless behavior.
            I believe God created us to enjoy His work.  Think about the fact that God wanted us to enjoy marriage.  He didn’t want us to keep checking out the opposite sex after we were married.  He wanted us to look at our spouses with passion.  He wanted us to enjoy food that will keep us healthy.  He wanted us to enjoy the family He has given us.  He wanted us to enjoy loving others.  I’ve got to admit that a long time ago I didn’t look forward to the awkward talk about Christianity with a stranger, but now I treasure the moments when I can discuss faith.  In the beginning of my ministry funerals made me nervous; now I know they provide an opportunity to share the saving grace of Jesus with a room full of broken people.  Yes, even weddings offer a chance to speak about what marriage truly is.  No doubt my sister- in-law will get a full dose of that this weekend whether she likes it or not.  No, she knows me well enough to know what’s coming.  I tried to convince her to choose Ecclesiastes 9:7-10.  She almost agreed, which meant it would have been getting my mother-in-law back six and half years later.  But she went in another direction, and actually picked another great verse!   She chose the Ruth passage.  That was a unique situation because Ruth resisted what her culture maintained.  Ruth allowed God to influence her, rather than adhere to some false expectation of what her world required.
            When we look death in the face, we realize that we need a Savior.  When we become aware of that, we begin to allow Him to take over.  He shapes our lives through the Holy Spirit, and we enjoy every step and blessing He gives us.  Don’t miss the opportunity to look death in the face and relinquish its power over you. Then sleep an extra hour on Sunday, you’re going to need it!

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